YouthActiv is an action funded by the European Jean Monnet Programme, Information and Research Activities carried out by the University of Piraeus, School of Economics, Business and International Studies, Department of International and European Studies, with Scientific Responsible Lecturer F. Asderaki.
The program YouthActiv regards young people aged 16-18 years, high school students. Stressing the importance of the EU to young people designing educational activities YouthActiv was an integrated experience, a program that developed innovative models of diffusion of information about the EU, so that students realise the way it works and understand the role and effects to life of citizens.
Youth Activ informed teachers and students about EU issues and motivated young people to acquire the skills and knowledge to live in a European environment that understanding to become active European citizens.
The most interactive part of the program was the active participation of students and their transformation into “journalists of the EU”. Students , being informed on EU affairs during the seminars, created a short videos about how they see the development of the EU from their own view, with the guidance of Balkan Beyond Borders (BBB). BBB is an NGO that uses art and new media seeking to promote youth movement and youth cooperation in the Balkans through ‘ dialogue’ , the ‘interaction’ and ‘ innovative learning ‘.