J. ALEJANDRO DEL VALLE GÁLVEZ has been Full Professor of Public International Law and International Relations in the University of Cadiz since 2001 and Full time Associate Professor (1991), and Lecturer in the University of Granada (Spain) since 1984. He also holds a Ph. D., Oct. 1988.
Jean Monnet Chair on «Borders and Immigration» of European Union Law, awarded by the
European Commission in 2006. Holder of a Jean Monnet Chair since 2000. Responsible of the European Module J. Monnet in the University of Saarlandes, Germany 1992-93.
He served as Legal Adviser for the President of the European Court of Justice, Luxembourg (1991-1998). Vice Rector for International Relations and Cooperation of the University of Cádiz (Spain), (2007-2010). Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Cádiz (2002-2004) . Member of the Senate of the Euro Mediterranean University-EMUNI of the UfM- E.U., since 2009.Editor-in-Chief of the Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo published by
the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales de Madrid 2004-2013. Co-Director of the Electronic Journal Paix et Sécurité Internationales and Director of 3 Research Projects (I+D+I) 2005-2015 of the Ministry of Education in Spain.